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YOU ARE HERE: HOME Questions Is it possible to create a primary key with out clustered index

Create a primary key with out clustered index

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Is it possible to create a primary key with out clustered index?

Answer 1)

Actually there are three methods by which we can achieve this.

Method 1:

Using this method we can specify it while creating the table schema itself.

Create Table tblTest
Field1 int Identity not null primary key nonclustered,
Field2 varchar(30),
Field3 int null

Method 2:

Using this method also we could specify it while creating the table schema. It just depends on your preference.

Create Table tblTest
Field1 int Identity not null,
Field2 varchar(30),
Field3 int null
Constraint pk_parent primary key nonclustered (Field1)

Method 3:

If at all you already have a table which have a clustered index on a PK field then you might want to opt for this method.

Step 1: Find the contraint name

sp_helpconstraint tblTest

This way we could find out the constraint name. Lets assume that our constraint name is PK_tblTest_74794A92

Step 2: First drop the existing constaint

Alter table tblTest drop constraint PK_tblTest_74794A92

Step 3: Add the new nonclustered index to that field now

Alter table tblTest add constraint PK_parent1 primary key nonclustered (Field1)

  Asked in:  Mahindra Satyam   Expertise Level:  Experienced
  Last updated on Sunday, 06 March 2011
4/5 stars (6 vote(s))

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